Well, school, is school. Busy, busy, busy. Work is...well...work. Busy, busy, busy. My social life, is nonexistent. So yeah.
Homecoming is October 13, I am debating on whether or not to go to the dance. I might. I really want to ask my friend Steve. And that's how I want to go, as friends. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't really want to go with a guy I like like that because I think it makes things more awkward when your in front of your friends and things.
But all is well. I guess. I think I am in need of a really good breakdown at the moment. When I went to work last night, Gwen was there, and I was just telling her about things in my life, and I really wanted to just breakdown, really for no reason.
So thats all.
As always...
Peace and Love.
e shtunë, 15 shtator 2007
e premte, 7 shtator 2007
School, work, and boys! XD
The reason I haven't been on lately is because of friends, school, and work.
A week before school started Lauren, and I went to the South Side. We stayed with her dad for a few days. In that time we went school shopping, and to see The Hush Sound in concert. That was so much fun!
I started back at school August 27th, and I stared my job that week too. I got a job working at Subway in the hospital near my house. Its not too bad I like the people I work with, so that makes it better.
School is okay I guess. I just think my last year is pointless. I'm not taking any classes I actually need, so whats the point in taking them? I don't know, its only the second week of school, and I'm already sick of it. I'm tired of the stupid girls, and boys who say stuff about me and what not. I'm a freaking senior and I have Juniors, and below talking about me already. Its so childish. But other then that, I don't know. I love my teachers they are awesome! But it sucks that neither of my best friends are in any of my classes nor will they be next semester. So that really made me mad. But I know at least on person pretty will in all of my classes, so thats better.
I asked out some kid to go see a movie tonight, thats all I asked was if he wanted to see a movie, I wanted to go see Halloween, thats it, and hes like "I have band practice." Because he is in a band with a kid I know. But still, it made me up set. The first guy I really ask out after Tony, was Josh, and he tells me he's busy! =[ =[ =[
I hate being the fat and ugly one in my group of friends. I really as sick of it. Because yeah, I know I'm not beautiful, but Josh isn't the hottest guy in the world, so come on just give me a chance. =[
Yup! So thats all thats been going on lately. I don't have work tonight so I'm probably going to just hang out here.
Okay as always,
P e a c e & L o v e
A week before school started Lauren, and I went to the South Side. We stayed with her dad for a few days. In that time we went school shopping, and to see The Hush Sound in concert. That was so much fun!
I started back at school August 27th, and I stared my job that week too. I got a job working at Subway in the hospital near my house. Its not too bad I like the people I work with, so that makes it better.
School is okay I guess. I just think my last year is pointless. I'm not taking any classes I actually need, so whats the point in taking them? I don't know, its only the second week of school, and I'm already sick of it. I'm tired of the stupid girls, and boys who say stuff about me and what not. I'm a freaking senior and I have Juniors, and below talking about me already. Its so childish. But other then that, I don't know. I love my teachers they are awesome! But it sucks that neither of my best friends are in any of my classes nor will they be next semester. So that really made me mad. But I know at least on person pretty will in all of my classes, so thats better.
I asked out some kid to go see a movie tonight, thats all I asked was if he wanted to see a movie, I wanted to go see Halloween, thats it, and hes like "I have band practice." Because he is in a band with a kid I know. But still, it made me up set. The first guy I really ask out after Tony, was Josh, and he tells me he's busy! =[ =[ =[
I hate being the fat and ugly one in my group of friends. I really as sick of it. Because yeah, I know I'm not beautiful, but Josh isn't the hottest guy in the world, so come on just give me a chance. =[
Yup! So thats all thats been going on lately. I don't have work tonight so I'm probably going to just hang out here.
Okay as always,
P e a c e & L o v e
e enjte, 16 gusht 2007
So today, it was all rainy and crappy outside in the beginning, but then my mom came home early from work, and curled my hair and did my makeup, and we went to Seton Hill College, and waited for like 15 mins, when my mom called the woman, my mom was like "Hi, we're here" and the girl said "OMG I totally forgot about it." So needless to say we didn't get my pictures taken, but tomorrow at one I am supposed to get my pictures FINALLY taken.
Yeah, so even if the weather turned out to be perfect, I still didn't get the pictures taken GAH!
Buttt anyway...
I am going to see The Hush Sound, on Monday. YAY!
Okay well thats all,
Love and Peace.
Yeah, so even if the weather turned out to be perfect, I still didn't get the pictures taken GAH!
Buttt anyway...
I am going to see The Hush Sound, on Monday. YAY!
Okay well thats all,
Love and Peace.
Rain, rain, GO AWAY!
Damn weather, if has messed up my plans AGAIN! I was supposed to have my Senior pictures taken today, but again the weather is shitty, because of the rain. This happened last Thursday also, I was supposed to have them taken, but it was raining so bad we had flood warnings. Now, its not so bad, but its dreary, and overcast, and raining. Stupid ass weather. So, I had to call Heidie, to try to see if we could do the inside ones today, and then reschedule the outside ones for a nicer day, but when I called it rang, and I left a message, and then I tried again, and it went straight to voice mail! GRR! I'm just a little bit upset.
Buttt Laurens Birthday is tomorrow, and we are going to see Stardust. Then Sunday, is my friends sisters babyshower. Then Monday I am going to Southside, to see The Hush Sound! YAY!
Okay well that is all for now, I'll post more later today.
Peace and Love.
Buttt Laurens Birthday is tomorrow, and we are going to see Stardust. Then Sunday, is my friends sisters babyshower. Then Monday I am going to Southside, to see The Hush Sound! YAY!
Okay well that is all for now, I'll post more later today.
Peace and Love.
e martë, 14 gusht 2007
Is coming to an end, sadly. Oh well, not like I really love summer anyway, its just the fact that winter will be coming, and I hate snow. Buttt anyway...I was on MySpace, and found some pretty interesting bands, Harry and the Potters, The Remus Lupins, Ginny and the Heartbreakers, The Moaning Mertals, and a few more, if anyone is interested in some laughs and Harry Potter, go look up those bands, I was laughing so hard. They are really cool.
Right now I am listing to Zombie Ghost Train, freaking awesome band! Yeah, so my senior pictures were supposed to be last Thursday, but Western Pennsylvania was hit with mass amounts of rain, we got like 3 inches in 1 hour. There was so much rain, Melville got flooded, my roof leaked, there was a river going threw my yard, so I didn't have my pictures taken that day, so they were rescheduled for this Thursday.
Laurens birthday is the 17th, and my hair cut is sometime next week, GAH! Too much shit to do this month. Okay that is all.
Peace and Love
Right now I am listing to Zombie Ghost Train, freaking awesome band! Yeah, so my senior pictures were supposed to be last Thursday, but Western Pennsylvania was hit with mass amounts of rain, we got like 3 inches in 1 hour. There was so much rain, Melville got flooded, my roof leaked, there was a river going threw my yard, so I didn't have my pictures taken that day, so they were rescheduled for this Thursday.
Laurens birthday is the 17th, and my hair cut is sometime next week, GAH! Too much shit to do this month. Okay that is all.
Peace and Love
e hënë, 6 gusht 2007
Last week, this week, ater this month....
Well, last week, I went to Pittsburgh with my best friend, to help her step mom, Margie, with her two kids, Paul who is 10 and Erika how will be 4. It is always hectic at that house. Laurens dad was on a business trip, so we volunteered to help. Paul had a friend over the one day, and we went to Treats, a local ice cream shop. I got Birthday Cake ice cream, OMG, was it good. =] Then we played D.D.R. [ Dance Dance Revolution ], for 3 hours straight. We watched Silent Hill twice, both times we feel asleep, and Rook Ian's dog, [ Ian is Laurens oldest brother ] well, Rook learned a new trick the siren that goes off in the movie when the monsters are coming, well Rook got up and started howling, it was the creepiest thing ever.
When we came home we went out to dinner with Ian, Lauren, my other mom, and I. I came home and slept better then I had in 3 days, considering I was in my own house and my own bed. Well then...
The weekend was pretty boring, yesterday it rained a lot. I went out side and danced in it at like 11 something at night. Haha.
Today I cleaned part of my house, and when my mom came home, we went to 3 places and put my application in. Hopefully I get called back for SOMEWHERE. I really need a job. I have applied everywhere. Stupid places. GAH!
Other then that, tomorrow I am cleaning the rest of my house, and Wednesday I am going to Barns and Nobles with Lauren to buy Eclipse by Stephanie Mayer, and to just hang out and read. Then this weekend is my friend Randy's Grad party, and I'm going to that, then my dads surgery, he has a hernia, and then its Laurens birthday, and then my friend Steph's little sisters babyshower. Oh wow. I will be busy.
Then before you know it, I'll be in school again!
Okay, so thats whats up. I'll post some later this week.
Peace and Love.
When we came home we went out to dinner with Ian, Lauren, my other mom, and I. I came home and slept better then I had in 3 days, considering I was in my own house and my own bed. Well then...
The weekend was pretty boring, yesterday it rained a lot. I went out side and danced in it at like 11 something at night. Haha.
Today I cleaned part of my house, and when my mom came home, we went to 3 places and put my application in. Hopefully I get called back for SOMEWHERE. I really need a job. I have applied everywhere. Stupid places. GAH!
Other then that, tomorrow I am cleaning the rest of my house, and Wednesday I am going to Barns and Nobles with Lauren to buy Eclipse by Stephanie Mayer, and to just hang out and read. Then this weekend is my friend Randy's Grad party, and I'm going to that, then my dads surgery, he has a hernia, and then its Laurens birthday, and then my friend Steph's little sisters babyshower. Oh wow. I will be busy.
Then before you know it, I'll be in school again!
Okay, so thats whats up. I'll post some later this week.
Peace and Love.
I haven't been on lately, I haven't been home lately either, I'll be on later to tell of whats been happening. I'll do that tonight.
Peace and Love
Peace and Love
e enjte, 26 korrik 2007
I am so. So so so depressed, but nothing can be done about it, because J.K. will never write an other Harry Potter book. How many years of my life gone into Happy Potter??? Too many, all for nothing. Now I know she couldn't keep writing them forever, but she could have at least tried. >.< But I must say she out did herself with the last book.
She says she has always know the outcome of the book, but to be truthful, I never say any of it coming. Okay MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!!!
First thing that shocked me the most was...Snape being in love with Lily Evans/Potter. Okay the more I think about it the less shocking. When Voldemort went to kill James and Harry, he told Lily to get out of the way, that he didn't want to kill her...well why not??? She was a muggle
born??? So yeah the only reason for it was that someone, it happened to be Snape, pleaded with the Dark Lord not to kill her, because he loved her. Now J.K. said she didn't think of Snape as a hero, I would really beg to differ. I do believe Snape is somewhat a hero, yes he may have acted cowardly at times, but in truth, he loved a girl who could not be his, she he choose to somewhat beg Dumbledor to help, and in his way he protected Harry. After everything was said and done in the book, I truly had an admiration for Severus Snape. Total shocker. I would have never guessed it was Snape that begged Voldemort to save Lily's life. Okay that's my first part.
Then the whole Hallows part, CRAZINESS! Really, Dumbledor being evil somewhat and only caring about the Hallows, and then later regretting it. When Harry finally got the part of Voldemort of his soul [ yeah we ALL knew Harry was a Horcrux ] and he went into the 'somewhat death' and Dumbledor was there and explained everything about his life and everything, it broke my heart. I was in tears. And then the little nasty baby thing in the corner, what the hell was that??? J.K. never really explained what it was, I can only guess it was something evil, possibly Voldemort??? I don't know, if someone can enlighten me I would love it.
Okay what else??? When Hagred carried Harry out of the forest, I was so sad at that. Broke my heart in pieces why don't you J.K.??? Go ahead whats it matter??? >.<
Ron and Hermione kissing...[ everyone say 'AWWW' ]....AWWW!!! It was so freaking cute. ^__^
And even if I did read the epiloge before the book came out, Harry and Ginny, so adorable, with their 3 kids. Albus Severus, James, and Lily. So cute!!! Then Hermione and Ron's two kids, Rose and Hugo [ I think >.< ] and Teddy, Remus and Tonks sun [ HOLY SNAP when they died I was so fraking upset by then >.< ] And I am guessing Victoria is Bill and Fleurs daughter right??? Okay well anyway it was great!!!
J.K. says she is going to write an encyclopedia on Harry Potter, and in it will give more detail.
Thats all for now.
She says she has always know the outcome of the book, but to be truthful, I never say any of it coming. Okay MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!!!
First thing that shocked me the most was...Snape being in love with Lily Evans/Potter. Okay the more I think about it the less shocking. When Voldemort went to kill James and Harry, he told Lily to get out of the way, that he didn't want to kill her...well why not??? She was a muggle
born??? So yeah the only reason for it was that someone, it happened to be Snape, pleaded with the Dark Lord not to kill her, because he loved her. Now J.K. said she didn't think of Snape as a hero, I would really beg to differ. I do believe Snape is somewhat a hero, yes he may have acted cowardly at times, but in truth, he loved a girl who could not be his, she he choose to somewhat beg Dumbledor to help, and in his way he protected Harry. After everything was said and done in the book, I truly had an admiration for Severus Snape. Total shocker. I would have never guessed it was Snape that begged Voldemort to save Lily's life. Okay that's my first part.
Then the whole Hallows part, CRAZINESS! Really, Dumbledor being evil somewhat and only caring about the Hallows, and then later regretting it. When Harry finally got the part of Voldemort of his soul [ yeah we ALL knew Harry was a Horcrux ] and he went into the 'somewhat death' and Dumbledor was there and explained everything about his life and everything, it broke my heart. I was in tears. And then the little nasty baby thing in the corner, what the hell was that??? J.K. never really explained what it was, I can only guess it was something evil, possibly Voldemort??? I don't know, if someone can enlighten me I would love it.
Okay what else??? When Hagred carried Harry out of the forest, I was so sad at that. Broke my heart in pieces why don't you J.K.??? Go ahead whats it matter??? >.<
Ron and Hermione kissing...[ everyone say 'AWWW' ]....AWWW!!! It was so freaking cute. ^__^
And even if I did read the epiloge before the book came out, Harry and Ginny, so adorable, with their 3 kids. Albus Severus, James, and Lily. So cute!!! Then Hermione and Ron's two kids, Rose and Hugo [ I think >.< ] and Teddy, Remus and Tonks sun [ HOLY SNAP when they died I was so fraking upset by then >.< ] And I am guessing Victoria is Bill and Fleurs daughter right??? Okay well anyway it was great!!!
J.K. says she is going to write an encyclopedia on Harry Potter, and in it will give more detail.
Thats all for now.
e mërkurë, 25 korrik 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I have finished the book, finally. Ha-ha to many distractions. But I have finished it and I loved it. The fighting scenes were awesome, the character development was fantastic, the final out come was great. The book over all was amazing. I think it is J.K. Rowling's best work. I do wish she would write more books on Harry Potter, but she says she never will. >.<
I and I'm sure thousand others would want her to, so here is my plea [ not that J.K. would ever see my blog ] PLEASE J.K. ROWLING YOU ARE A FANTASTIC WRITER PLEASE PLEASE WRITE AN OTHER BOOK ON HARRY POTTER!!! Okay now that thats over with, Ha-ha. So I'll have more tomorrow.
It is 7.51 am in the freaking morning. Why am I up you ask??? Well, see, my mom, my step-dad, and I were watching Americas Got Talent, when I happen to see a commercial for an interview with none other then J.K. Rowling. So I made it a point to my mom to wake me up at 7 so I could watch the Early Show. Well, I woke up at 7 am, watched the Early Show till 7.30 something, and then the lady on TV tells us, that the interview will be on 3 parts tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday. XD So now I have to wake up early for 3 more days. I'll most likely be able to find it some where on YouTube, but I'm not going to take my chances.
So, yeah it is on NBC, thats channel 6 for me, tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday, on the Early Show, with J.K. Rowling, for any one else who wants to get up early an watch it. XD Okay, yeah, I am going to chill out for a bit, and then I am going to finally finish the 7th book.
Thats all.
Peace and Love
So, yeah it is on NBC, thats channel 6 for me, tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday, on the Early Show, with J.K. Rowling, for any one else who wants to get up early an watch it. XD Okay, yeah, I am going to chill out for a bit, and then I am going to finally finish the 7th book.
Thats all.
Peace and Love
e hënë, 23 korrik 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Okay, so I bought my book at 1:00 Saturday morning. I went to the party, hung out with an old friend I hadn't seen in almost 4 years. I got to see my lovely friends, Sarah, Krista, and Liv. I was so happy, because I hadn't seen them in more then a month.
The book its self, its really good so far. I am on chapter 26 or 27. I'm 3/4 of the way done. I am surprised at J.K. though, she actually made this book almost light-hearted in some parts, and then extremely depressing the next. I think this might be my favorite she has ever written. I love how she made a lot of jokes in this book, I cant remember her doing that in the others. So I am quite happy with the book so far.
I almost started to cry when Harry left the Durslys, and how Dudley acted toward him, it was so sweet. And then 50 pages in 1 person and 1 thing dies. I was tearing up, badly, but I didn't cry. So, yeah that web site I gave in one of my earlier post, was right on about the book. I read the last page, and the epilogue, so I know how it ends, but then as I was reading I figured out J.K.'s plot of Dumbledors death. I was very disappointed to have figured it out when I wasn't even near that part of the book. But if you read the epilogue, you can kind of put two and two together.
So that's all I'm going to go and finish the book today, so I'll update tomorrow.
The book its self, its really good so far. I am on chapter 26 or 27. I'm 3/4 of the way done. I am surprised at J.K. though, she actually made this book almost light-hearted in some parts, and then extremely depressing the next. I think this might be my favorite she has ever written. I love how she made a lot of jokes in this book, I cant remember her doing that in the others. So I am quite happy with the book so far.
I almost started to cry when Harry left the Durslys, and how Dudley acted toward him, it was so sweet. And then 50 pages in 1 person and 1 thing dies. I was tearing up, badly, but I didn't cry. So, yeah that web site I gave in one of my earlier post, was right on about the book. I read the last page, and the epilogue, so I know how it ends, but then as I was reading I figured out J.K.'s plot of Dumbledors death. I was very disappointed to have figured it out when I wasn't even near that part of the book. But if you read the epilogue, you can kind of put two and two together.
So that's all I'm going to go and finish the book today, so I'll update tomorrow.
e enjte, 19 korrik 2007
Sleep-overs, swimming, and Harry Potter
To night, I am going to sleep-over at my friend Kat's' house. Then tomorrow, we are going to go swimming with some of my other friends, Liz, Daron, James Dean, and I don't know who else. But I'm sure it will be lots of fun! I haven't gone swimming all summer, so I am really excited to go. I bought a new swim suit for it. =] Then tomorrow night, it is the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book comes out, so I am going to the party to get my book at midnight, yes I am a dork, I know.
So thats all for now.
Be home in two days.
Peace and Love.
So thats all for now.
Be home in two days.
Peace and Love.
e martë, 17 korrik 2007
Today, and some Harry Potter
Well, yesterday, I was invited to go swimming with my friend Kat, on Friday. So, I went in my closet to look for my bathing suit, I put it on, and it didn't fit anymore, well I didn't really think it would considering I haven't bought a new one since freshman year. XD So, I had to have my mom and I go to Target, the bathing suits there were from $25, to $45, I was not spending that much money on one this late in the summer. So instead, we drove over to Wal-Mart, and I bought one there for $19. Its cute. Black boyshorts, with a top that has an open back. So i have my suit, now I just want to go swimming. XD
When I came home, I was on my Comcast home page, and saw an article for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was talking about the book and all, and it gave out two web sites that had Harry Potter spoilers. So I went to the first one and it gave out a bunch of things, such as who dies, the chapter summary's, pictures, and pictures of the excerpt, I read it, from the pictures. Its crazy, now if you don't want to know anymore STOP READING NOW!!!! Because I am going to tell you things, Harry marries Ginny, they have 3 kids, Albus, James, and Lily. Harry is an Aurour (sp), but does not work for the ministry if magic, Ron died in the big battle, as did Snape. The web site is here. I am warning you, it tells a lot of things, I read it, if you want to go ahead. I can't even guarantee that it is real, but if it is then I am warning you now.
I myself and going to get the book at midnight on Friday. So when I finish it, I am going to compare what I read in the book to the web site, and see if it was accurate.
So yeah, it is an interesting read.
Okay I just read some completely different things on another site it is here.
I cant say who is right and who is wrong, I guess even one will have to read the book! Ha-ha.
So thats all for now.
Peace and Love.
When I came home, I was on my Comcast home page, and saw an article for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was talking about the book and all, and it gave out two web sites that had Harry Potter spoilers. So I went to the first one and it gave out a bunch of things, such as who dies, the chapter summary's, pictures, and pictures of the excerpt, I read it, from the pictures. Its crazy, now if you don't want to know anymore STOP READING NOW!!!! Because I am going to tell you things, Harry marries Ginny, they have 3 kids, Albus, James, and Lily. Harry is an Aurour (sp), but does not work for the ministry if magic, Ron died in the big battle, as did Snape. The web site is here. I am warning you, it tells a lot of things, I read it, if you want to go ahead. I can't even guarantee that it is real, but if it is then I am warning you now.
I myself and going to get the book at midnight on Friday. So when I finish it, I am going to compare what I read in the book to the web site, and see if it was accurate.
So yeah, it is an interesting read.
Okay I just read some completely different things on another site it is here.
I cant say who is right and who is wrong, I guess even one will have to read the book! Ha-ha.
So thats all for now.
Peace and Love.
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