e premte, 7 shtator 2007

School, work, and boys! XD

The reason I haven't been on lately is because of friends, school, and work.

A week before school started Lauren, and I went to the South Side. We stayed with her dad for a few days. In that time we went school shopping, and to see The Hush Sound in concert. That was so much fun!

I started back at school August 27th, and I stared my job that week too. I got a job working at Subway in the hospital near my house. Its not too bad I like the people I work with, so that makes it better.

School is okay I guess. I just think my last year is pointless. I'm not taking any classes I actually need, so whats the point in taking them? I don't know, its only the second week of school, and I'm already sick of it. I'm tired of the stupid girls, and boys who say stuff about me and what not. I'm a freaking senior and I have Juniors, and below talking about me already. Its so childish. But other then that, I don't know. I love my teachers they are awesome! But it sucks that neither of my best friends are in any of my classes nor will they be next semester. So that really made me mad. But I know at least on person pretty will in all of my classes, so thats better.

I asked out some kid to go see a movie tonight, thats all I asked was if he wanted to see a movie, I wanted to go see Halloween, thats it, and hes like "I have band practice." Because he is in a band with a kid I know. But still, it made me up set. The first guy I really ask out after Tony, was Josh, and he tells me he's busy! =[ =[ =[

I hate being the fat and ugly one in my group of friends. I really as sick of it. Because yeah, I know I'm not beautiful, but Josh isn't the hottest guy in the world, so come on just give me a chance. =[

Yup! So thats all thats been going on lately. I don't have work tonight so I'm probably going to just hang out here.

Okay as always,

P e a c e & L o v e

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