e martë, 17 korrik 2007

Today, and some Harry Potter

Well, yesterday, I was invited to go swimming with my friend Kat, on Friday. So, I went in my closet to look for my bathing suit, I put it on, and it didn't fit anymore, well I didn't really think it would considering I haven't bought a new one since freshman year. XD So, I had to have my mom and I go to Target, the bathing suits there were from $25, to $45, I was not spending that much money on one this late in the summer. So instead, we drove over to Wal-Mart, and I bought one there for $19. Its cute. Black boyshorts, with a top that has an open back. So i have my suit, now I just want to go swimming. XD

When I came home, I was on my Comcast home page, and saw an article for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It was talking about the book and all, and it gave out two web sites that had Harry Potter spoilers. So I went to the first one and it gave out a bunch of things, such as who dies, the chapter summary's, pictures, and pictures of the excerpt, I read it, from the pictures. Its crazy, now if you don't want to know anymore STOP READING NOW!!!! Because I am going to tell you things, Harry marries Ginny, they have 3 kids, Albus, James, and Lily. Harry is an Aurour (sp), but does not work for the ministry if magic, Ron died in the big battle, as did Snape. The web site is here. I am warning you, it tells a lot of things, I read it, if you want to go ahead. I can't even guarantee that it is real, but if it is then I am warning you now.

I myself and going to get the book at midnight on Friday. So when I finish it, I am going to compare what I read in the book to the web site, and see if it was accurate.

So yeah, it is an interesting read.

Okay I just read some completely different things on another site it is here.

I cant say who is right and who is wrong, I guess even one will have to read the book! Ha-ha.

So thats all for now.

Peace and Love.


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