e hënë, 23 korrik 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Okay, so I bought my book at 1:00 Saturday morning. I went to the party, hung out with an old friend I hadn't seen in almost 4 years. I got to see my lovely friends, Sarah, Krista, and Liv. I was so happy, because I hadn't seen them in more then a month.

The book its self, its really good so far. I am on chapter 26 or 27. I'm 3/4 of the way done. I am surprised at J.K. though, she actually made this book almost light-hearted in some parts, and then extremely depressing the next. I think this might be my favorite she has ever written. I love how she made a lot of jokes in this book, I cant remember her doing that in the others. So I am quite happy with the book so far.

I almost started to cry when Harry left the Durslys, and how Dudley acted toward him, it was so sweet. And then 50 pages in 1 person and 1 thing dies. I was tearing up, badly, but I didn't cry. So, yeah that web site I gave in one of my earlier post, was right on about the book. I read the last page, and the epilogue, so I know how it ends, but then as I was reading I figured out J.K.'s plot of Dumbledors death. I was very disappointed to have figured it out when I wasn't even near that part of the book. But if you read the epilogue, you can kind of put two and two together.

So that's all I'm going to go and finish the book today, so I'll update tomorrow.


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