e enjte, 16 gusht 2007

Rain, rain, GO AWAY!

Damn weather, if has messed up my plans AGAIN! I was supposed to have my Senior pictures taken today, but again the weather is shitty, because of the rain. This happened last Thursday also, I was supposed to have them taken, but it was raining so bad we had flood warnings. Now, its not so bad, but its dreary, and overcast, and raining. Stupid ass weather. So, I had to call Heidie, to try to see if we could do the inside ones today, and then reschedule the outside ones for a nicer day, but when I called it rang, and I left a message, and then I tried again, and it went straight to voice mail! GRR! I'm just a little bit upset.

Buttt Laurens Birthday is tomorrow, and we are going to see Stardust. Then Sunday, is my friends sisters babyshower. Then Monday I am going to Southside, to see The Hush Sound! YAY!

Okay well that is all for now, I'll post more later today.

Peace and Love.


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