e enjte, 26 korrik 2007


I am so. So so so depressed, but nothing can be done about it, because J.K. will never write an other Harry Potter book. How many years of my life gone into Happy Potter??? Too many, all for nothing. Now I know she couldn't keep writing them forever, but she could have at least tried. >.< But I must say she out did herself with the last book.

She says she has always know the outcome of the book, but to be truthful, I never say any of it coming. Okay MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!!!

First thing that shocked me the most was...Snape being in love with Lily Evans/Potter. Okay the more I think about it the less shocking. When Voldemort went to kill James and Harry, he told Lily to get out of the way, that he didn't want to kill her...well why not??? She was a muggle
born??? So yeah the only reason for it was that someone, it happened to be Snape, pleaded with the Dark Lord not to kill her, because he loved her. Now J.K. said she didn't think of Snape as a hero, I would really beg to differ. I do believe Snape is somewhat a hero, yes he may have acted cowardly at times, but in truth, he loved a girl who could not be his, she he choose to somewhat beg Dumbledor to help, and in his way he protected Harry. After everything was said and done in the book, I truly had an admiration for Severus Snape. Total shocker. I would have never guessed it was Snape that begged Voldemort to save Lily's life. Okay that's my first part.

Then the whole Hallows part, CRAZINESS! Really, Dumbledor being evil somewhat and only caring about the Hallows, and then later regretting it. When Harry finally got the part of Voldemort of his soul [ yeah we ALL knew Harry was a Horcrux ] and he went into the 'somewhat death' and Dumbledor was there and explained everything about his life and everything, it broke my heart. I was in tears. And then the little nasty baby thing in the corner, what the hell was that??? J.K. never really explained what it was, I can only guess it was something evil, possibly Voldemort??? I don't know, if someone can enlighten me I would love it.
Okay what else??? When Hagred carried Harry out of the forest, I was so sad at that. Broke my heart in pieces why don't you J.K.??? Go ahead whats it matter??? >.<

Ron and Hermione kissing...[ everyone say 'AWWW' ]....AWWW!!! It was so freaking cute. ^__^

And even if I did read the epiloge before the book came out, Harry and Ginny, so adorable, with their 3 kids. Albus Severus, James, and Lily. So cute!!! Then Hermione and Ron's two kids, Rose and Hugo [ I think >.< ] and Teddy, Remus and Tonks sun [ HOLY SNAP when they died I was so fraking upset by then >.< ] And I am guessing Victoria is Bill and Fleurs daughter right??? Okay well anyway it was great!!!

J.K. says she is going to write an encyclopedia on Harry Potter, and in it will give more detail.

Thats all for now.



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